Florida Obama poll: Voters turn against Obama, Nelson and health care bill William E. Gibson Orlando Slantinel | WASHINGTON - Florida voters have turned sharply against President Barack Obama, Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson and a sweeping health care law they helped push through Congress, according to a Mason-Dixon poll released Saturday. The statewide poll of 625 registered voters found that Obama's favorable ratings have plunged to 37 percent from 50 percent when he was elected in 2008... Only 25 percent of those polled who were 65 and older said they support the bill that was signed into law. Nearly two-thirds, 65 percent, said they oppose it. "I'm a Democrat, but I'm going to vote Republican," said Arnold Ruskin, 74, of Margate, who was not polled but reflected the changing attitude of many senior citizens. "I want this [health care law] repealed. I'm not saying the Republicans are right. But I think the Democrats are just brutal on this thing..." Posted using ShareThis |
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Florida Obama poll: Voters turn against Obama, Nelson and health care bill - OrlandoSentinel.com
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Democrats are now the nationwide death panel
Democrat party is now the nationwide death panel.
Natalee Holloway skeleton?

Maybe it is a skeleton, though. I took the image from foxnews.com, then modified it slightly, to bring out details, using the simple color controls in the Apple Preview application. A real photo-analyst could probably do better, but here is what I did:
- Optimized sharpness
- Desaturated the color to black and white
- enhanced contrast, brightness and exposure.
- Near arrow, a human mandible, slightly detached from skull?
- Near arrow, a row of human teeth?
Some caveats:
- I am not sure why the image is all blue; did the news agency do this for some reason?
- Also, I am not sure if that banded creature in the lower right is a sea snake or a moray eel. I thought sea snakes were only in the Indian and Pacific, not the Caribbean.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Rep. Kosmas, keep your vote NO on health care bills; no ram through!
- Email form
- Telephone in D.C., (202) 225-2706
Fax: (202) 226-6299 - Telephone in Port Orange office (386) 756-9798
Fax: (386) 756-9903 - Telephone in Orlando office (407)-208-1106
Fax: (407)-208-1108 - Toll free hotline 1-877-9-KOSMAS
Why, yes, Madame Speaker, I'd love to co-sign your A.R.M.
Tim Cahill slams Barack Obama, Dems on health care By Jessica Van Sack Wednesday, March 17, 2010 | State Treasurer Tim Cahill, taking swipes at both Gov. Deval Patrick and President Obama, boosted his bipartisan chops yesterday, telling Herald columnist Howie Carr on WRKO, “I voted for John McCain, believe it or not.” Cahill, saying he was barred from the 2008 Democratic National Convention because he wouldn’t endorse either Obama or Hillary Clinton, said, “My own party basically voted me out.” “I was afraid of what we had already been getting in Massachusetts, and at that point in 2008, I was aware that it wasn’t working,” he said. Separately yesterday, Cahill accused Obama of “propping up” the Bay State’s health plan with federal aid in order to help push the Democrats’ plan through Congress. |
And Cahill's official .gov website contains the following statement:
State Treasurer Tim Cahill today faulted Gov. Deval Patrick for mismanaging the state’s health care initiative and warned that the consequences would be disastrous if a similar health care program were enacted nationally.
“If President Obama and the Democrats repeat the mistakes of the health insurance mandate in Massachusetts on a national level, they will bankrupt this country within four years,” Cahill said. “It is time for the President and the Democratic Leadership to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new plan that does not threaten to wipe out the American economy.”
Thanks for selling our A.R.M. to the Chinese, Madame Speaker.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Ereck Plancher -- Atlanta Journal-Constitution roundup
Somewhat out of date! Come on, AJC, no slacking!
Hon. Suzanne Kosmas, keep it NO!
Fifty-seven percent (57%) believe that passage of the proposed health care legislation will hurt the economy. Just 25% believe it will help. (Rasmussen)
Rasmussen poll looks grievous for health care scheme.Hon. Suzanne Kosmas,
The poll from Rasmussen today indicates broad LACK of support for this health care takeover fiasco. I highly recommend you keep your NO vote a good solid NO.
You stay WITH us, not with Speaker Pelosi and her kamikaze charge AT us.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Daily Presidential Tracking PollFifty-seven percent (57%) believe that passage of the proposed health care legislation will hurt the economy. Just 25% believe it will help...
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Reprise: Three Cheers for Mike Sola!: Meet the Patriot Who Took on Dingell
Three Cheers for Mike Sola!: Meet the Patriot Who Took on DingellLet's stand with Mike Sola and his son.
He admits that the health insurance he has (and that most people have) is bad, but notes–as all of us opposed to ObamaCare know–that government health care is far worse.
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Rep. Kosmas, keep your vote NO on health care bills
I still cannot consent to this health care fiasco. It is way over-leveraged and has INFINITE AND ETERNAL DEFICIT written all over it.
Creating another Ginnie Mae-Freddie Mac to cause an economic collapse and dollar collapse is no way for a liberal to plan for the future.
No offense, but you guys are just not smart enough to craft this thing safely and reliably. Your own leader, Pelosi, has come up with some real whoppers in this context. You voted NO in 2009 on this health care fiasco. Keep it NO.
Mike Sola, defending his son
Speaker Pelosi, Super-Genius

But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it...
It reminds me of another famous super-genius beloved by Hollywood: Mr. Wile E. Coyote.

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Ereck Plancher death: UCF attorneys laughing at the family's suffering
Ereck Plancher died as a result of intense football team practice from which he ought to have been excluded, if anyone had realized he had sickle cell trait. Now it appears that the head athletic trainer, Mary Vander Heiden, cannot remember if she went over the test results with young Plancher.
However, under questioning by Plancher's family's attorney in a deposition, the UCF attorneys tell Mary Vander Heiden to keep her mouth shut. Getting too close to the truth, probably.
Ereck Plancher death: Family attorneys question whether UCF told football player he had sickle cell trait Iliana Limon, Orlando Sentinel 11:16 p.m. EST, March 6, 2010 OrlandoSentinel.com | Vander Heiden gave a second deposition Feb. 16 in the pending wrongful-death lawsuit filed by Plancher's parents. The deposition transcript was entered into Orange County Circuit Court records Thursday and obtained exclusively by the Orlando Sentinel. When Plancher family attorney Steven Yerrid asked whether Vander Heiden told Plancher about his condition she responded, "Well, I can't say with certainty that, yes, I did or, no, I didn't." Yerrid then asked Vander Heiden, "Ma'am, you didn't tell Mr. Plancher, did you?" UCF attorney Daniel Shapiro objected because it the question was addressed during a previous deposition and advised Vander Heiden not to respond. Yerrid was forced to move on to other questions... The exchanges between attorneys from both sides were at times heated in a deposition that took more than nine hours to complete and filled 416 transcribed pages. When UCF attorney Daniel Shapiro objected in the first 10 minutes of the deposition, Plancher family attorney Steven Yerrid responded, "I'm going to let that go a little bit longer and then we're going to, we're going to stop and go see the judge again because you made 33 form objections to the last deposition that I participated in. You gave a lot of instructions not to answer. And that's not in the spirit, nor within permissible conduct of an attorney conducting the defense of a deponent's deposition." Shapiro responded by saying he did not need a lecture. After more disputes, UCF attorneys eventually called Circuit Judge Julie H. O'Kane to request that she force the Plancher family attorneys to behave professionally. She was out of the office and did not respond. The Plancher attorneys argued that UCF's legal team was laughing, making disparaging remarks and constantly interrupting the deposition. |
It seems inconceivable to me that an attorney can display this kind of cowardly, raucous, callous laughing at the pain of Ereck Plancher's family.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Pelosi says bill worth election sell-out by Kosmas
Pelosi says bill worth election riskIt is obvious that our district does not want the Pelosi/Reid health care takeover plan rammed through. If she changes her vote, it will be a response to Pelosi, not to us voters.Pelosi said that "in a matter of days" Democrats will have specific legislative language on health care to show to the public and to wavering lawmakers. She predicted voters will warm up to the bill once they understand its details.
"When we have a bill," she said, "you can bake the pie, you can sell the pie. But you have to have a pie to sell."
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