Sunday, March 28, 2010

Florida Obama poll: Voters turn against Obama, Nelson and health care bill -

I attempted to sway Rep. Kosmas' vote on the health care takeover plan, but they rammed it though anyway, disregarding voters. This makes Kosmas, Obama and Nelson the co-chairmen of our new national death panel.
Florida Obama poll: Voters turn against Obama, Nelson and health care bill
William E. Gibson
Orlando Slantinel
WASHINGTON - Florida voters have turned sharply against President Barack Obama, Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson and a sweeping health care law they helped push through Congress, according to a Mason-Dixon poll released Saturday.

The statewide poll of 625 registered voters found that Obama's favorable ratings have plunged to 37 percent from 50 percent when he was elected in 2008...

Only 25 percent of those polled who were 65 and older said they support the bill that was signed into law. Nearly two-thirds, 65 percent, said they oppose it.

"I'm a Democrat, but I'm going to vote Republican," said Arnold Ruskin, 74, of Margate, who was not polled but reflected the changing attitude of many senior citizens. "I want this [health care law] repealed. I'm not saying the Republicans are right. But I think the Democrats are just brutal on this thing..."

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What they did is an enormous blunder. This kind of pride, hubris will lead to them falling. I hope it happens before the USA collapses catastrophically when the overleveraged entitlements overwhelm the economy.