- Ram though health care takeover in the middle of the night and no public review.
- Ship the 9/11 terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to New York and give them a regular trial instead of a military tribunal.
- etc.
- Then fly off to Japan to escape immediate scrutiny: get to the fresh sushi, evade embarrassing questions.
A Florida student now has spoken out against the terrorists getting a trial in NYC.
9-11 victim's brother at UCF: Don't have trials in NYC By Willoughby Mariano Orlando Sentinel Staff Writer November 13, 2009 | News that self-described 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed will be tried in New York federal court drew mixed reactions from victims' families.![]() "It's all of our worst fears — them getting off scot-free," Holland said Friday. Brian Holland's brother Joseph Holland III, 32, a trader, died during the World Trade Center attacks. The new father was killed 10 days after the birth of his son Joseph Holland IV... During the proceedings, as authorities described Mohammed's alleged actions, he looked toward family members and smiled, Joseph Holland Jr. told his son. "They have no remorse for their actions," Brian Holland said. "They sat in court happy about what they did." The civilian legal system offers loopholes that can help Mohammed get off on a technicality, Brian Holland said. The trial's New York City location puts that city under too much risk for more terrorism, he said. "We don't agree with bringing them to America," Holland said. |
They are going to be smiling with glee at our entire nation from the NYC courtroom. This is a disaster.
Terrorists are cowards that hide behind women and children and innocent civilians. Now our own president has shown the same kind of cowardice by refusing to protect innocent victims in NYC and elsewhere.
But at least the sushi is fresh and healthful in Japan.