- Our public debt is too darn large, and it is going to kill us in the future.
- I think you can be a good liberal and still vote down this monstrous debt magnet.
- I absolutely do NOT believe any of the "assurances" that you guys give that it will not accumulate monstrous public debt.
- I expect you guys to really mess it up.
- Set it aside for another day, and take it up again when you can
- construct it within our means and
- with less political division.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Senator Bill Nelson, please vote against the health care takeover
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Obama to 9/11 victims: You don't count.
- Ram though health care takeover in the middle of the night and no public review.
- Ship the 9/11 terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to New York and give them a regular trial instead of a military tribunal.
- etc.
- Then fly off to Japan to escape immediate scrutiny: get to the fresh sushi, evade embarrassing questions.
A Florida student now has spoken out against the terrorists getting a trial in NYC.
9-11 victim's brother at UCF: Don't have trials in NYC By Willoughby Mariano Orlando Sentinel Staff Writer November 13, 2009 | News that self-described 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed will be tried in New York federal court drew mixed reactions from victims' families.![]() "It's all of our worst fears — them getting off scot-free," Holland said Friday. Brian Holland's brother Joseph Holland III, 32, a trader, died during the World Trade Center attacks. The new father was killed 10 days after the birth of his son Joseph Holland IV... During the proceedings, as authorities described Mohammed's alleged actions, he looked toward family members and smiled, Joseph Holland Jr. told his son. "They have no remorse for their actions," Brian Holland said. "They sat in court happy about what they did." The civilian legal system offers loopholes that can help Mohammed get off on a technicality, Brian Holland said. The trial's New York City location puts that city under too much risk for more terrorism, he said. "We don't agree with bringing them to America," Holland said. |
They are going to be smiling with glee at our entire nation from the NYC courtroom. This is a disaster.
Terrorists are cowards that hide behind women and children and innocent civilians. Now our own president has shown the same kind of cowardice by refusing to protect innocent victims in NYC and elsewhere.
But at least the sushi is fresh and healthful in Japan.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
- Teachers never have an empty class.
They always have at least two pupils. - Dentists are always sad.
They look down in the mouth. - Eye doctors live to a ripe old age.
They dilate. - Chiropractors are the hardest working profession.
They work their fingers to the bone. - The profession I trust least is podiatrist.
They get their knowledge from footnotes. - Lawyers are buried in 10-ft. graves because they are really nice guys down deep.
- Mail carriers don't die -- they lose their zip.
- Professional bowler -- brought up in an alley.
- Dead parachutist -- nothing opened up for him.
- Violinist couldn't succeed.
He was too high strung. - The trapeze artist couldn't get into the swing of things.
- The magician was a huge success but he suddenly vanished.
- Ideal couple:
He had money to burn -- she was a perfect match. - Cleaners work for a tidy sum.
- Politicians build pies in the sky using our dough.
- Diplomat -- when it comes to the parting of the ways, he uses both.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
New wave of Hannitization
But the more the Democrat politicians rig their town hall meetings or duck the town hall electronically, the more they will Hannitize their voters.
I expect a new wave of Hannitization to sweep the land before this health care takeover takes place. Leave a comment with your Hannitization story.

Click image to see who the president is fixating on.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Alan Grayson hosts town hall meeting in Orlando
Alan Grayson hosts town hall meeting in Orlando By David Damron and Willoughby Mariano Orlando Sentinel August 18, 2009 | Grayson's hastily called meeting took place in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union hall, which limited attendance to about 120 members of the public. It also was scheduled just after a regular meeting of local Democrats, some of whom stayed behind for the town hall in the scarce seats. Outside the building, hundreds of frustrated people who could not get inside waved signs and chanted for and against the proposals. Posted using ShareThis |
And the Fox news local reports more on the missed opportunity, viz.
Tensions flare at health care town hall VALERIE BOEY, FOX 35 News Tuesday, 18 Aug 2009, 12:24 AM EDT | Before the public meeting began at 7:45 p.m., the Democratic Executive Committee gathered for a special question and answer session with the congressman. While they were asked to give up their seats at the conclusion of the session, not all of them left. Outside were dozens of angry people who thought they would have a chance to be heard. Shared via AddThis |
Grayson had the Orlando executive committee present. These are esperienced political activists. Also, there were tons of people to talk to, nore than could fit in the meeting hall.
Grayson ought to have shooed out his executive committee members, all of them, to let more regular civilians in. He ought to have told those executive committee members to stay out in the parking lot and improvise a mini-town hall meeting with the folks who could not get in. If he had a sense of leadership, he would have deployed his people to get the message out and broaden contact.
It is what I would have done.
Unfortunately he did not have this instinct. Instead, he kept his bodyguard close, like the suit that he is.
Monday, August 17, 2009
PROFILE IN COURAGE: Grayson picks union hall for "balanced" town hall meeting
Grayson picks union hall for "balanced" town hall meeting David Damron Orlando Sentinel 12:29 p.m. EDT August 17, 2009 | U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Orlando, picked a somewhat small union hall to host a town hall meeting tonight at 7:45, but a spokesman said the location was not picked to "stack the deck" and avoid critics. Grayson's spokesman Todd Jurkowski said moments ago that the choice of venue -- the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union hall at 820 Virginia Dr., which holds 125 to 150 people -- was picked because it was free, available, and would not hold a crowd so large as to become unwieldy. A union meeting will be breaking up right before the meeting is to start -- but Jurkowski said the timing of Grayson's session was not planned to keep out critics. Posted using ShareThis |
This reminds me of all the innocent guys in prison. Somehow, they all got framed or something. Similarly, the honorable Grayson
- is not stacking the deck,
- is not avoiding critics,
- did not time the event to pre-fill the hall with IBEW union thugs,
- and did not withhold notice until the day of the event to keep it out of the news as long as possible.
And if a politician claiming innocence is not enough, it appears that the address they published is just a narrow storefront, not designed for crowds. Maybe this is just a coincidence.
And regular IBEW meetings are mostly on Tuesday nights. Why all of a sudden on a Monday night?
View Larger Map
What a profile in courage. Honorable Alan Grayson, multi-zillionaire, cannot risk exposure to his constituents without a bodyguard from IBEW. What a joke.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Why pharmaceutical companies were puffing up Kosmas and Grayson
It did not compute that some nefarious "enemy" like "big pharmaceutical" would support re-election of politicians like Kosmas and Grayson if they were in the health care takeover scheme up in D.C.
Now it is much more transparent: the White House made a deal with nefarious "big pharmaceutical" through PhRMA, the source of the pro-Kosmas and pro-Grayson advertising.
Drug Dealers: The White House buys Big Pharma’s silence. Wall Street Journal REVIEW & OUTLOOK AUGUST 7, 2009, 11:39 P.M. ET | Democrats are trying to explain opposition to ObamaCare as a sinister conspiracy controlled by the hidden hand of the health-care industry. Psychologists call this projection. Why bother with a new conspiracy when you’ve already clinched a secret deal with the President? ...This week it emerged that the pharmaceutical industry’s supposedly voluntary peace offering to cut drug costs by $80 billion to help finance ObamaCare was an explicit quid pro quo in exchange for White House protection. After the industry trade group PhRMA announced the plan in the Rose Garden in June, liberals on Capitol Hill promptly declared that they were “not bound” by it, as Henry Waxman and Nancy Pelosi repeatedly put it. |
It seems incredible that Billy Tauzin and PhRMA could fall for the backstabbing tricknology of the White House and Waxman.
Also, it makes a stark contrast with general claims that people opposing government health care takeover are organized mobs in the employ of some nefarious domestic industrial complex like "big pharmaceutical" or any other "big X" you care to name. That criticism applies to Grayson and Kosmas. They belong to "big pharmaceutical."
Friday, August 7, 2009
When will Suzanne Kosmas hold a town hall on health care?
When will Suzanne Kosmas hold a town hall on health care? Zack Stein August 6, 2009 2:51 PM WDBO Local News wdbo.com | Democratic Representative Suzanne Kosmas was in town today for a small business summit. WDBO caught up with her to ask her if she plans to get any public input on health care reform. Kosmas says she's already held forums where she's discussed health care, as far as any town hall style meetings... Shared via AddThis |
Kosmas hiding from her 24th District Constituents
Suzanne Kosmas, freshman Congresswoman for Florida’s 24th District, has scheduled no town hall meetings or public interfaces with her constituents.
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Kosmas dodges face to face with constituents by using Tele-Town meeting
Instead, her constituents get
- A Tele-Town Hall telephone conference
- no date specified yet
- The Kosmas staff will let people know when-where-how info by "robocalls" in the 48 hours prior to the conference call.
- They will also let people know when-where-how info by email in the 48 hours prior to the conference call.
- The staff member answering the call could not refer me to a spec sheet on how Tele-Town Hall works.
- Instead she referred me to Kosmas press-sec. Marc Goldberg, 202-225-2706 up in D.C.
- Why no conventional town hall face to face meeting? According to the staff member, Kosmas excused her own absence because holding six town-halls in one month was logistically impossible
- and that telecom is more equitable.
Sounds as dim as that boss in the film Office Space.
I decided to go ahead and do about 30 seconds of digging about Tele-Town Hall.
Apparently one needs to obtain the "Control Sheet" with codes etc.
How Tele-Town Hall Works | On the day of your event, you will receive a Control Sheet with detailed instructions for conducting your Tele-Town Hall. The Control Sheet will include a unique ID and password for you to login to a simple web interface used to control the event through your web browser (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox). In addition, the Control Sheet will provide you with the contact information for your operator, the member of the Tele-Town Hall staff who is assigned to initiate the dialing process and monitor your event. When the event begins, our system will dial out to the list of households you submit... |
So if Kosmas does not want you on her list of people permitted to speak to her, you are S.O.L. That does not seem very open or inclusive.
A phone call to the Kosmas hotline, 877-956-7627, got me to Vinny, in Orlando. Very courteous lad, same basic information.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Still $137,775 in Central Florida from recovery.gov
Not much progress in Central Florida from the Acme Recovery Engine purchased for $787 billion by Congress.
- Still contracted for the big $137,775 paving project.
- Under grants, there are millions of dollars going to internet diploma factories like Everest College, owned by Rhodes Colleges, Inc., which is a California for-profit corporation.
- There are many Central Florida "loans" to aid small businesses which are unable to obtain financing in the private credit marketplace, like $135,000 Steve Ruff et al. at Floridel LLC, principal address at a rough neighborhood in Chuluota, Florida, pictured below.
View Larger Map
Steve Ruff's hard luck neighborhood, between House B which is a 4/4 home selling for $1.65 million, and house A which is a 4/4 home going for the bargain rate of $599,900.
Other businesses at this neighborhood of so many small businesses which are unable to obtain financing in the private credit marketplace:
- Steve Ruff et al., KDS Music Studios LLC
- The Steve Ruff Insurance company
- Steve Ruff's Elite Wealth Strategies.
It is good to know how alert the federal government is to patriotic small businesses which are unable to obtain financing in the private credit marketplace. I am so happy to support this set of businesses with my future tax money obligations.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Martinez, Nelson, Kosmas, Grayson have fiduciary responsibility to us.
Main idea:
You have a fiduciary responsibility to us.
So these trillion dollar health care takeovers and cap trading schemes have to be NO GO.
You have to cut up Nancy Pelosi's credit cards.
And even if we could afford it, I do not want Barney Frank running my health care. And that cap trading seems like Enron on steroids. NO GO.
Congressman Conyers, another snowbird from Michigan
Yep. Honorable Conyers has the chops for PBC. According to the traditional Old School PBC Democrat Party Ethics Training Camp Checklist®, Conyers is a stone cold lock:
- Cant be bothered to read 1000-page bill affecting millions of people?
- No observable sense of fiduciary responsibilty toward constituents?
- Has frequently screwed up a cup of coffee?
You're in, Congressman. PBC needs you. When you are ready to semi-retire to PBC, you'll follow the illustrious footsteps of political genius Theresa LePore. Situation normal.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
University of Central Florida eliminates four programs.
- cardiopulmonary sciences
- radiologic sciences
- engineering technology
- management information systems
College budget crisis: University of Central Florida eliminates four programs Luis Zaragoza Sentinel Staff Writer July 23, 2009 OrlandoSentinel.com | UCF trustees voted today to eliminate four academic programs and suspend a fifth within the next two years to cut spending by more than $4 million a year. The cuts will lead to 33 faculty and four staff layoffs and affect more than 1,000 students who will have to switch majors or transfer to another school if they can't graduate before their degree programs close. Officials say the cuts are needed because of anticipated budget deficits at the 50,000-student school within the next two years caused by reductions in state funding. Posted using ShareThis |
However, now that I look over that list again, I see that no humanities programs got the axe, only technical programs. That seems unusual.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Fatherless thieving SOBs at recovery.gov
The search 'cheese'
yields no results.
But Drudge's link to Bongard's Creameries in Norwood MN,
returns you a big page of data, with the
OMG! They changed it already!
At 8:30 AM this morning it had a field "Description of Work/Service performed" containing the text 'PROCESS CHEESE' but now you can't get that field's contents.
Those SOBs have rigged it up and out of view. Now those links make Drudge look like a liar.
Wait, you can scroll over the 'PIID' link and it shows 'PROCESS CHEESE' but this morning it was out in the open.
And none of it will show up in Google cached pages, I am guessing.
These guys are thieving fatherless SOBs.
Florida largesse from recovery feds

Unbelievable! $137,775 would not get you one median-priced home in Orlando.
In the diagram above, most of the big circles represent work scheduled at military bases and ports, e.g., Jacksonville, Cape Canaveral and Eglin.
Recovery.gov is unsearchable.
DRUDGEREPORT 2009 June 20, 2009 | ![]() LINK: RECOVERY.GOV // AWARDED: $5,708,260 FOR 'PROCESS CHEESE'... The Bongard Creamery, Minnesota |
However, when I looked at the recovery.gov site, I could not use "cheese" in their search box and get back a link to the Bongard Creamery page, even though their database obviously has a field for "Description of Work/Service performed" among others. My attempt seach for "cheese" returned no results.
It should be a basic seach feature -- make a query based on kind of of work performed.
There is no advanced search method.
What this means is that they have disabled their search function. They do not want people searching on the "Description of Work/Service performed" field. I consider that dishonest.
I also typed in "coffee" and "Orlando" -- nothing returned. A bad business.

Friday, July 17, 2009
A Congress Full of Michael Jackson Wannabes
A Congress Full of Michael Jackson Wannabes by Ben Shapiro on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent
Their resolution runs a full 1,539 words, almost six times as long as Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. And it's just as eloquent, tracing the entire course of Jackson's life... "Whereas Michael Jackson began his stellar recording career as the featured member of The Jackson 5 … Whereas, on Jan. 10, 1984, Michael Jackson visited the unit for burn victims at Brotman-Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles, and demonstrated his concern with people suffering from grievous injuries... " The resolution finally concludes by labeling Jackson a "global humanitarian and a noted leader in the fight against worldwide hunger and medical crises," as well as "an accomplished contributor to the worlds of arts and entertainment, scientific advances in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, and global food security." According to Congress, Jackson is the Madame Curie of 1980s rock.
Congressmen, like Jackson, are sitting on piles of cash they can spend at will. And Congressmen, like Jackson, live in Neverland.
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The key here is that Congress is also piling up the debt, just like Michael Jackson, but it looks like there is no credit limit on THEIR Visa card.
CBO is calling. Florida voters are calling. Senator Martinez, are you listening? Senator Nelson, can you figure out how to stop the credit binging? Representatives Kosmas and Grayson, are you going to start voting NO on some of this credit card mania?
Somebody, anybody: spend your $61.95 and get a cattle prod so you can pry that card out from her clutching fingers!
Congressional Budget Office: borrowing is unsustainable.
Under current law, the federal budget is on an unsustainable path, because federal debt will continue to grow much faster than the economy over the long run.Coming from the director of the Congressional Budget Office, that is fairly sobering news. Can we somehow beam this directly into Nancy Pelosi's mind, by mental hypnosis or something? How about Florida senators and representatives?
Now letters to Senator Nelson and to Senator Martinez
Please! Before it's too late.If nobody restrains this mad credit card binge up there in D.C., the rest of us civilians will get the chop: no job, no home, a global depression.
If you want to contact Nelson or Martinez, here are the links.
- Contact Bill...
- Please use the following form to contact the Office of Senator Mel Martinez with your comments and concerns.
To get information on legislation or share an opinion, call Senator Nelson’s office at (202) 224-5274. Senator Martinez has a phone in D.C., (202) 224-3041, and several Florida offices.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Letter to Kosmas and Grayson: enough with the credit card buying!
No more of this spending they are enacting willy nilly, like the $787 billion stimulus bill that nobody read before voting it.
And I thought this stimulus bill was supposed to avert imminent disaster. So far, it hasn't done JACK. And unemployment is still going up.
So all these nice program makeovers for the nation, they sound good but they are running up the bills. No more credit card buying!
Start using your head, you members of Congress. Cut up that credit card and voters everywhere will love you. Keep hitting the plastic, and when it all comes apart, your name will be on the bill and you'll be voted out of office.
If you want to contact Kosmas or Grayson, here are the links.
Pharmaceutical companies get tripped up, now need Grayson and Kosmas
Big Pharma Gets Played REVIEW & OUTLOOK JULY 16, 2009 | Mr. Tauzin -- the former Democratic Congressman turned Republican turned pharmaceutical frontman -- has been assuring his CEO employers that he can get them a good deal if they negotiate with Democrats instead of opposing them on health care. And to show its bona fides, the drug lobby announced in June an agreement with Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus, promising $80 billion over the next decade to defray drug costs for seniors and to finance the Obama plan. Mr. Tauzin believed this giveaway would spare his industry from price controls and the reimportation of cheaper foreign drugs that would reduce company margins and profits. In case this isn't enough of a doublecross, Senate Democrats are also considering hefty new taxes on health insurance and . . . pharmaceutical companies. Price tag: $100 billion. Let's just say the companies' return on their investment in Mr. Tauzin's political strategy is looking negative. |
Now Hon. Kosmas and Hon. Grayson can charge a higher price for their vote, and the pharmaceutical companies will have to pay or be shut out. Meanwhile, regular citizens get the shaft.
My plan is to only support health care reform if
- The Senate and House have to go on the same medical plan as we civilians get, or
- we civilians get the same medical plan that Senate and House have right now.
Otherwise, it is a ripoff.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Why are pharmaceutical companies puffing up Kosmas and Grayson?
A big pharmaceutical lobbying firm has been running commercials to re-elect Rep. Grayson (8th) and Rep. Kosmas (24th) on local television in Central Florida. The fine print at the bottom of the screen names
- the Healthcare Leadership Council and
- another outfit whose approximate name is Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturies of America, which might be a misspelling of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. [Click links for board of trustees and membership lists.]
Both outfits are in Washington, D.C., and they seem to be lobbying about health care reform. Former member of Congress, Hon. Billy Tauzin, is in charge of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America.
They want voters to think of Kosmas and Grayson as white knights defending grandmother and homeless children. How does that help the pharmaceutical companies?
I am guessing that Healthcare Leadership Council and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturies of America want to hard wire the health care "reform" mechanism so that the pharmaceutical manufacturers continue to get well paid by the Medicare prescription drug system. For instance, the PRMA is against importation of drugs to the US from countries where they must sell at lower prices.
Kosmas and Grayson, so compassionate and caring, are they stacking the deck for the pharmaceutical companies? More light fingers in D.C.?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I learned how to use Twitter to follow the Iran election
I also followed some interesting YouTube videos from Tehran. I like the generic videos made by civilians, not high production professionals. E.g., this one:
It isn't specifically Florida news, but I guess we Americans on top of the Floridan Aquifer can cheer on the civilians marching atop the Tehran Aquifer!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Caylee Anthony autopsy and lab analysis
The sad story now has more details. The autopsy report and lab analyses are available on Orlando Sentinel website: Autopsy of Caylee Marie released
A few findings seem important:
- Concentration of gaseous chloroform in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car was roughly a million times higher than a similar Pontiac car trunk that was used for comparison.
- The remains found in December were only a skeleton and hair. Apparently animals scattered the remains before it was completely decomposed, judging by sets of vertebrae found together and not scattered to individual locations.
- Duct tape adhered to the front of the skull and kept the lower jaw (mandible) from falling away -- it was still in contact with the upper skull (maxilla), meaning that the tape was attached before the body decomposed.
A sad end to a precious life.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Letterman ought to recieve discipline
He did not even have the grace to apologize.
Letterman ought to be disciplined.
If a high school principal had spoken that way at an assembly, or a parks supervisor had spoken that way in the meeting of new kids with summer jobs, or an athletics coach had spoken that way during recruiting or coaching, then he would publicly and clearly receive discipline.
It is a free country. I am free to stop watching his television show -- not that I ever watched it much. But he used to have a problem with a stalker up in Connecticut, so I did feel sorry for him. Not any more. Nothing can justify that kind of ugly talk about a 14 year old girl.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
UPDATE: Skeleton found - not Jennifer Kesse's remains
- The skeleton did not belong to a homeless person.
- The person was not a murder victim.
- Police are notifying relatives.
This rules out the Jennifer Kesse conjecture, but sad news must now go to the true family.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta sacrificed to help the poorest of Calcutta, especially those who would otherwise die alone. She once said,
"I once picked up a woman from a garbage dump and she was burning with fever; she was in her last days and her only lament was: 'My son did this to me.' I begged her: You must forgive your son. In a moment of madness, when he was not himself, he did a thing he regrets. Be a mother to him, forgive him. It took me a long time to make her say: 'I forgive my son.' Just before she died in my arms, she was able to say that with a real forgiveness. She was not concerned that she was dying. The breaking of the heart was that her son did not want her. This is something you and I can understand."
Mother Teresa sets a noble example to follow, for everyone who reads this page.Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Required reading for Pres. Obama and the other congressional know-it-alls.
Why Government Can't Run a Business By JOHN STEELE GORDON The Wall Street Journal, page A17 May 20, 2009 | The Obama administration is bent on becoming a major player in -- if not taking over entirely -- America's health-care, automobile and banking industries. Before that happens, it might be a good idea to look at the government's track record in running economic enterprises. It is terrible. In 1913, for instance, thinking it was being overcharged by the steel companies for armor plate for warships, the federal government decided to build its own plant. It estimated that a plant with a 10,000-ton annual capacity could produce armor plate for only 70% of what the steel companies charged. When the plant was finally finished, however -- three years after World War I had ended -- it was millions over budget and able to produce armor plate only at twice what the steel companies charged. It produced one batch and then shut down, never to reopen. |
Other examples include Medicare and the ATT telephone monopoly being taken over by... THE POST OFFICE!
5) Government enterprises are almost always monopolies and thus do not face competition at all. But competition is exactly what makes capitalism so successful an economic system. The lack of it has always doomed socialist economies.
When the federal government nationalized the phone system in 1917, justifying it as a wartime measure that would lower costs, it turned it over to the Post Office to run. (The process was called "postalization," a word that should send shivers down the back of any believer in free markets.) But despite the promise of lower prices, practically the first thing the Post Office did when it took over was . . . raise prices.
So if the politician brainiacs who invented Amtrak, hanging chads and who run the Post Office want to take over ANYTHING else, there is going to be a lot of tortured screaming.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Skeleton found - is it Jennifer Kesse's remains?
Human bones found in Apopka woods Susan Jacobson, Orlando Sentinel 3:39 PM EDT, April 21, 2009 | APOPKA - A high-school student who took a shortcut home through some woods today stumbled on something he didn't expect: a human skeleton. The boy found a skull and "numerous bones" in thick woods near Tilden Avenue and Sixth Street, Apopka police spokesman Officer Steve Popp said... |
The Apopka neighborhood is near railroad tracks and a large trucking terminal of some kind, as seen in satellite view.